26.10.11 В ХМАО-Югре продолжается внедрение мультипрофессионального подхода при работе с ВИЧ-инфицированными пациентами  »

06.10.11 UNAIDS играет против жизни  »

26.09.11 Открытое письмо Т.А. Голиковой  »

07.09.11 ПРЕСС-РЕЛИЗ  »


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Foreign publications

Catalogue:  5. Psychological and Social Support 

1. HIV-Related Stigma, Discrimination and Human Rights Violations. Case studies of successful programmes  
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Information: Not only is HIV-related discrimination a human rights violation, but it is also necessary to address such discrimination and stigma in order to achieve public health goals and overcome the epidemic. Responses to HIV and AIDS can be placed along a continuum of prevention, care and treatment, and the negative effects of stigma and discrimination can be seen on each of these aspects of the response. Ideally, people should be able to seek and receive voluntary and confidential counselling and testing to identify their HIV status without fear of repercussions. Those who test HIV-negative should receive prevention counselling so as to be able to stay negative. Those who test HIV-positive should receive available treatment and care, and prevention counselling to protect others from infection and themselves from reinfection. People living with HIV and AIDS should be able to live openly and experience compassion and support within their communities. Their open example personalizes the risk and experience to others, thereby aiding prevention, care and treatment efforts.   Year of publishing: 2005 
Language of document: russian  Page: 80 
Journal or place of publishing: UNAIDS, Geneva  Internet - reference:  
2. A conceptual framework and basis for action HIV/AIDS stigma and discrimination 
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Information: Stigma and discrimination associated with HIV and AIDS are the greatest barriers to preventing further infections, providing adequate care, support and treatment and alleviating impact. HIV/AIDS-related stigma and discrimination are universal, occurring in every country and region of the world. They are triggered by many forces, including lack of understandingof the disease, myths about how HIV is transmitted, prejudice, lack of treatment, irresponsible media reporting on the epidemic, the fact that AIDS is incurable, social fears about sexuality, fears relating to illness and death, and fears about illicit drugs and injecting drug use.
The Declaration of Commitment, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS in June 2001, highlights global consensus on the importance of tackling the stigma and discrimination triggered by HIV/AIDS. All over the world, the shame and stigma associated with the epidemic have silenced open discussion, both of its causes and of appropriate responses. This has caused those infected with HIV and affected by the disease to feel guilty and ashamed, unable to express their views and fearful that they will not be taken seriously. And they have led politicians and policy-makers in numerous countries to deny that there is a problem, and that urgent action needs to be taken.  
Year of publishing: 2003 
Language of document: russian  Page: 24 
Journal or place of publishing: UNAIDS, Geneva  Internet - reference: